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Notes About Improving Technical Writing

We read and write a number of documents related to different topics every day. And, sometimes we want to create a better structure in our technical documents. Sometimes, we want to use better structures for our technical documents. A couple of months ago, I took an online training course to improve my writing skills. I think the training was excellent. It provided useful instruction(s) and showed how to use structures in a technical document.I felt that I should share my notes to help others.

Some Reverse Engineering Tools

Reverse engineering is analyzing an object, system or application to see how it works in order to understand the design and the behavior. If you are in the cybersecurity domain, you may use several different tools that help on the reverse engineering process. You may use your reverse engineering skills on many different projects such as exploit development and malware analysis. In this post, I want to write about some reverse engineering tools that you may use during your research.

Understanding HTTP Security Headers

HTTP Security headers are security mechanisms that you can use to protect your web application. Those headers provide extra protection layers. This is a fundamental part of web application security. You can easily configure your web application and implement required security header information for your application. After the implementation, these security headers protect your application against the type of attacks such as XSS, code injection, clickjacking, etc. Basically, when a browser requests a URL from a web server, the server responds with the content along with HTTP headers.

Writeup - OverTheWire Bandit

In this post, you will see the solutions of OverTheWire-bandit challenges. Challenges in Bandit are easy if you have some experience in Linux and Security. If not, don’t worry about it. Google will help you to get basic knowledge of the challenges. When you complete the challenges you are gonna feel yourself more powerful on technical problem-solving. Bandit0 $ ssh -l bandit0 -p2220 This is a OverTheWire game server.

Using Virtualbox/phpVirtualbox on Ubuntu Server

Bu yazıda Ubuntu Server LTS üzerine Virtualbox sanallaştırma ortamı ve bu sanallaştırma ortamını web üzerinden yönetebilmek için geliştirilen phpVirtualbox sisteminin kurulumundan bahsedeceğiz. Öncelikle yapılması gerelen bir ubuntu server kurulumu gerçekleştirmek. Kurulum işlemleri tamamlandıktan sonra gerekli paketlerin sisteme kurulumlarını gerçekleştirelim. SSH sunucusunun kurulmasi uzaktan erisim icin onemli #apt-get install ssh openssh-server Sonrasinda makinanin guncellenmesi gerekiyor. #apt-get update #apt-get upgrade #reboot Sistem web uzerinden hizmet verecegi icin web sunucu ortaminin da kurulmasi gerekmektedir.

Create an Encrypted File Container by Using Luks

#dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dosya/yolu/guvenlidosya bs=1M count=500 Eger kurumsal veya kendinize ait verileri sifreli bir alanda tutmak icin luks ile sifreli bir alan olusturup verilerinizi bu anda tutabilirsiniz. Burada 500 mb boyutunda bir sifreli dosya alani olusturacagiz. dosya bir /dev dizini altindaki bir loop surucusune baglanir. #losetup /dev/loop7 guvenlidosya baglanmis olan loop surucusu sifrelenir. #cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/loopX sifrecozulur ve /dev/mapper/salla ile eslestirilir #cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/loop7 salla; dosya sistemi olusturulur. #mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/salla; baglama islemi